

线路一 由 非凡-m3u8提供点播资源HD中字
线路二 由 量子-m3u8提供点播资源HD中字
线路三 由 天空-yun提供点播资源HD
线路四 由 飞速-yun提供点播资源BD
线路五 由 淘片-m3u8提供点播资源HD
线路六 由 卧龙-m3u8提供点播资源正片


Narrated by two-time Golden Globe® nominee Ewan McGregor, Humpback Whales is an extraordinary journey into the mysterious world of one of nature’s most awe-inspiring marine mammals. Set in the spectacular waters of Alaska, Hawaii and the remote islands of Tonga, this ocean adventure offers audiences an up-close look at how these whales communicate, sing, feed, play and take care of their young. Captured for the first time with IMAX® 3D cameras, and found in every ocean on earth, humpbacks were nearly driven to extinction 50 years ago, but today are making a slow but remarkable recovery. Join a team of researchers as they unlock the secrets of the humpback and find out why humpbacks are the most acrobatic of all whales, why they sing their haunting songs, and why these intelligent 55-foot, 50-ton animals migrate up to 10,000 miles round-trip every year. A MacGillivray Freeman film presented by Pacific Life, Humpback Whales is directed by Greg MacGillivray (The Living Sea, Dolphins, Everest) and produced by Shaun MacGillivray (To The Arctic, Grand Canyon Adventure). Filmed with 15perf / 65mm IMAX® cameras, Humpback Whales is written and edited by Stephen Judson (Everest, To The Arctic) with a musical score by Steve Wood (Journey to the South Pacific, To The Arctic). A One World One Ocean production.

由两届金球奖提名人伊万·麦格雷戈(Ewan McGregor)讲述,座头鲸是一次非凡的旅程,它是大自然中最令人敬畏的海洋哺乳动物之一。在阿拉斯加、夏威夷和汤加偏远岛屿壮观的水域中,这次海洋探险让观众近距离观察这些鲸鱼是如何交流、唱歌、喂食、玩耍和照顾幼鲸的。50年前,驼背鲸在地球上的每一个海洋中都被发现,这是第一次用IMAX®;3D相机拍摄到的,但如今,驼背鲸正在缓慢而显著的恢复中。加入一个研究小组,揭开座头鲸的秘密,找出为什么座头鲸是所有鲸鱼中最具杂技性的,为什么它们会唱出令人难以忘怀的歌,以及为什么这些55英尺50吨重的聪明动物每年往返迁徙多达10000英里。一部由太平洋生命公司(Pacific Life)出品的MacGillivray Freeman电影,座头鲸由Greg MacGillivray(The Living Sea,Dolphins,Everest)执导,Shaun MacGillivray(To The Arctic,Grand Canyon Adventure)出品。座头鲸用15perf/65mm IMAX®;摄像机拍摄,由斯蒂芬·贾德森(珠穆朗玛峰,北极)创作和编辑,史蒂夫·伍德(南太平洋之旅,北极)配乐。一个世界一个海洋的生产。

《座头鲸》又名“座头鲸的鸣歌”,由格雷戈·迈吉里弗雷导演指导拍摄,集结了伊万·麦克格雷格等演员参演,并于2015在美国地区上映。座头鲸点播资源分别由 6 家资源方提供,作为一部“纪录片”类型的影视作品,目前在本站获得了°C的关注热度,于8个月前更新,可作为您的观影参考。喜欢本站请多多分享,流萤剧场~追剧看电影的好地方!






