

线路一 由 量子-m3u8提供点播资源第10集
线路二 由 淘片-m3u8提供点播资源第10集
线路三 由 ikun-m3u8提供点播资源第10集
线路四 由 卧龙-m3u8提供点播资源第10集


The halves of two bodies, one belonging to a female Swedish politician, are discovered in the middle of the Øresund Bridge, which connects Copenhagen in Denmark with Malmö in Sweden. The body, cut in half at the waist, has been placed precisely on the border between the countries, thus falling under the jurisdiction of both the Danish and Swedish police agencies. After further examination, it turns out that the body is that of two separate corpses, with one half belonging to a Danish prostitute. Saga Norén, from the Swedish side, and Martin Rohde, from the Danish, lead the investigation to catch the murderer.[4][5] The investigation quickly escalates as a journalist, Daniel Ferbé, whose car was used in the crime, begins receiving phone calls. The caller, who becomes known as the "Truth Terrorist", claims to be committing his crimes in order to draw attention to various social problems. A social worker, Stefan Lindberg, whose sister becomes a victim of the Truth Terrorist, becomes an early suspect. However, events soon lead the Danish and Swedish teams to conclude that the killer has connections to the police. They discover that the crimes have been planned over a period of several years. The trail eventually leads them to Jens, a Danish policeman and former close friend of Martin's, who was thought to have committed suicide after an accident on the bridge caused the deaths of his wife and son. In the course of the investigation, Martin and Saga develop a close working relationship, although they are very different people. Martin has a twenty-year old son from his first marriage, August, who is now living with Martin and his current wife, Mette, by whom Martin has three children; after Martin has had a vasectomy, Mette discovers that she is expecting twins. Saga lives alone and does not seem to feel she needs a serious relationship, instead picking up men in bars for casual sex. She appears to have symptoms consistent with Asperger syndrome, resulting in difficulty establishing relationships and feelings of inadequacy in managing people; she refuses a promotion for this latter reason. After the killer has murdered several people and successfully thrown red herrings in the way of the investigation, his true purpose - to strike at Martin himself - eventually becomes clear. Jens, now calling himself Sebastian Sandstrod, first approaches Mette, who is susceptible to his advances, after learning that Martin has slept with Charlotte Söringer, a woman who is peripherally involved in the investigation. Sebastian lures Mette and her children to a remote spot where he subjects them to a terrifying ordeal, locking them in with a room and giving her a hand grenade with its pin removed to hold as long as she can. However, Saga realises that August is the real target. The investigation culminates in a confrontation on the bridge, where she cannot help but tell Martin what happened to August and has to fire at him in order to prevent him destroying his career by killing Sebastian, the killer's final intention.

两具尸体的两半,一具属于瑞典女政治家,被发现于连接丹麦哥本哈根和瑞典马尔默的Øresund桥中间。尸体腰部被切成两半,正是放在两国边境上,因此属于丹麦和瑞典警察机关的管辖范围。经过进一步检查,发现尸体是两具分开的尸体,其中一半属于一名丹麦妓女。瑞典方面的萨加·诺伦和丹麦方面的马丁·罗德领导调查以抓获凶手。[4][5]随着记者丹尼尔·费尔贝(Daniel Ferbe)开始接到电话,调查迅速升级。来电者被称为“真相恐怖分子”,他声称是为了引起人们对各种社会问题的注意而犯罪。社会工作者Stefan Lindberg的妹妹成为真相恐怖分子的受害者,成为早期嫌疑犯。然而,事件很快导致丹麦和瑞典小组得出结论,凶手与警方有联系。他们发现这些罪行是经过几年策划的。这条线索最终将他们引向丹麦警察、马丁的前密友詹斯,据信他是在桥上发生事故导致妻子和儿子死亡后自杀的。在调查过程中,马丁和萨加发展了密切的工作关系,虽然他们是非常不同的人。马丁第一次结婚时有一个20岁的儿子,奥古斯特,现在和马丁和他的现任妻子梅特住在一起,马丁有三个孩子;马丁做了输精管切除术后,梅特发现她怀的是双胞胎。萨加一个人住,似乎并不觉得她需要一个认真的关系,而是在酒吧接男人随便做爱。她似乎有与阿斯伯格综合症一致的症状,导致难以建立人际关系和管理人的感觉不足;她拒绝晋升,原因是后者。在凶手谋杀了几个人并成功地在调查过程中扔下了红鲱鱼之后,他的真正目的——攻击马丁本人——最终变得清晰起来。詹斯现在自称塞巴斯蒂安·桑德斯特德,在得知马丁与夏洛特·斯林格(Charlotte Sóringer)有过性关系后,他第一次接近梅特,后者对他的性关系很敏感。塞巴斯蒂安引诱梅特和她的孩子们到一个偏僻的地方,在那里他让他们遭受可怕的折磨,把他们锁在一个房间里,给她一枚手榴弹,手榴弹的别针被拿掉,她能拿多久就拿多久。然而,萨加意识到八月才是真正的目标。调查最终在桥上发生冲突,她情不自禁地告诉马丁奥古斯特的遭遇,并不得不向马丁开枪,以防止他杀死凶手的最终意图塞巴斯蒂安,毁掉自己的职业生涯。

《桥第一季》由夏洛特·西林导演指导拍摄,集结了金·波德尼亚,索菲亚·海林,艾伦·希灵索,马格努斯·克雷佩等演员参演,并于2011在瑞典/丹麦地区上映。桥第一季点播资源分别由 4 家资源方提供,作为一部“欧美剧,悬疑,惊悚,犯罪”类型的影视作品,目前在本站获得了°C的关注热度,于2023-03-13 00:30:09更新,可作为您的观影参考。喜欢本站请多多分享,流萤剧场~追剧看电影的好地方!






